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Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Sorry I don't stay silent in the kitchen, I am a human being you know!
Some people, once finding out that I'm a feminist- ask me I am a hairy, bra burning, loud, annoying, man hating lesbian. At school I experience this quite often as people aren't familiar with the notion of feminism; and why I don't conform to what everyone else does. I feel the need to clear up the stereotypes that have come to define feminism for some. I have written a previous post on not shaving so you can find out more, in detail why feminists 'feel the need' to be natural. Another point that many don't understand, is bra burning. Nobody that I know actually physically burns their bras, I think that it is shown only to represent feminists not being 'restrained' and 'changed' to suit men's desire in a woman's body. For a lot of people, feminism is defined as gender equality. Some people however decide to interpret that in a sexist way. Some people think that, as women have been oppressed for 2000 years, then for the next 2000 years it is mans turn to face the sexism. I say to these people that they are giving feminism a bad name and should not be associated with a term that fundamentally means equality. When people ask me if I am lesbian because I am a feminist, I tell them that just because I respect women, I don't have to love them. I don't understand how specific characteristics can be associated with a sexual orientation: it is not a choice anyway. But As for being loud and annoying, sorry I don't stay silent in the kitchen, but I am a human being you know!
Friday, 20 July 2012
The sexuality scale
Me and my friends have this theory about sexuality. With the assumption that one falls in love with another because of personality, then nobody can be completely one sexual orientation. For example, if I met another girl that was perfect for me and we started going out, I wouldn't want to class myself as 'gay', just as much as I would no longer feel I should class myself as 'straight'. A lot of people have, before been in this situation. Sometimes the feeling of not understanding or being sure of the one thing that has always been a constant in someones life, can be terrifying. We concluded that it is completely normal to fall in love with someone of the same gender! In fact, we are proposing that it is inside everyone to feel like that. Imagine a scale, homosexual on one side and hetro-sexual on the other: in the middle would be the bisexual category. Imagine just less than a quater on each side and label them 'completely impossible'. If a relationship relies on personality compatibility; gender has no place in the choosing of a partner and so should not define or limit the partner. Yet not labeling everyone as 'bisexual' because the connotations are of a different meaning- attracted to both genders. Whereas I am proposing being attracted to the person, with no attention on the gender. In conclusion; I am proud to call myself 'not fully straight or gay' as I believe in no such thing!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Hairy and I like it
I don't think that this is purely a feminist issue but I do think that it is- for me- because of my feminist view that drives me to do this. I do not shave my hair on my body, anywhere. Some people may say that its 'dirty' or 'disgusting', but I say fuck them! The men that think this, should look down at their own legs or under their arms and tell me, are they hairy? YES because its completely natural and women should not be socialized into thinking that they have to go through pain and time wasting to look 'attractive' for these sorry excuses for men. A common miss-conception is that hair on your armpits makes them smell more. Well I tell you now bloggers- you heard it here first- the hair actually detracts the smell from the skin and it subsequently is less smelly than if the smell follicles clung to the skin! I have also found that, especially since growing my leg hair, the hair is less dense and lighter, making for much better (less itchy) leg hair overall :) So as advice to all of you out there that haven't tried it yet- I challenge you, to a two moth challenge to not shave/hair remove/laser/epilate/wax your hair at all. You will see the difference it makes to your life. By the end you will embrace that part of you're body and your life! (and value the time you now have to spare) Nobody should expect us to change ourselves. Nobody should expect women to look a certain way. Nobody should want anyone to 'self harm' in any way for physical appearance. Unless of course a woman simply wants to shave, I do not object to people plainly preferring to shave because they want to and they think its nicer to do so. In conclusion; the 'hairy and i like it' challenge is on! Good Luck.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
feminist graffiti
Recently, around my area there has been an increase in advertisements of the 4 strip clubs I live near. Fortunately someone has taken it into their own hands to vandalize the posters with the word 'SEXIST'. Now I am not condoning the use of illegal means to get the message across but it did work well. The posters, once vandalized, became feminist posters presenting the objectification of women as 'sexist'.
Before I was 'converted' to feminism, I didn't think about society and the stereotypical, objectifying and oppressive way people think and act. Everyone is influenced by others or the media (or both) to think in this way and to not challenge other peoples views. These posters the strip clubs in my area present the image of a very thin white woman with long blonde hair who- because it's for a strip club- is willing to be submissive and be objectified for the man's pleasure. With this image being advertised, women are influenced to think that they should look the way she does, subsequently causing women to diet and remove hair (often classes as self harm) to look like her. Moreover, men who look at these advertisements will come to expect this from women. Men who go to these strip clubs are more likely to want women to play to their needs and to 'dance' for them; as at strip clubs the women are treated as objects and with no sexual needs of their own.
My thoughts on feminist graffiti is positive. I think that, although it is illegal, I do appreciate that it is a form that gets noticed and- much unlike other vandalism for example 'tagging'- is for a good cause! So I am thankful for these militant feminists that do this for the sake of the rest of us!
Photos also include some other amazing feminist graffiti :)
My thoughts on feminist graffiti is positive. I think that, although it is illegal, I do appreciate that it is a form that gets noticed and- much unlike other vandalism for example 'tagging'- is for a good cause! So I am thankful for these militant feminists that do this for the sake of the rest of us!
Photos also include some other amazing feminist graffiti :)
Friday, 6 July 2012
Reclaim the night
I just wanted to introduce you to this amazing march in London! Its called 'Reclaim the night' and is all about women taking back ownership of themselves and no longer hiding from men. They enforce the reasoning that women should not EVER be blamed for their own rape or objectification. They point out that it is categorically wrong that even today some people still use 'well she was wearing a short skirt' as excuses for some men's appalling behavior regarding sexual abuse and or rape cases. The march that is held in November every year presents women taking to the streets demanding to no be blamed for men's violence against women. The march allows women to go out in their town on one night a year without fear of male violence, it also highlights that this is needed as only about 5% of rapists are convicted. Its a great cause and an awesome march! Enjoy :)
An introduction to moi
So I thought, as a new blogger I would introduce myself to you guys a little bit. Well for starters I'm 16 years old and, as you already know, a feminist. I wasn't brought up in a feminist family or anything, it's mainly my friends that introduced the notion to me. My two best friends had very strict feminist parents and connected on a level that I could never compete with because of their strong views. However once introducing me to a book 'Reclaiming the F word', (which you can find in my book list on the right) I realised that I actually agreed with what the book was saying. From reading the book I began to notice things in films and then in person. My mind was opened to challenging the stereotypes and noticing the sexist representation of women everywhere. And so I became, by definition, a feminist! I aim to inspire other young women and men to follow in my footsteps and join the revolution! I promise you- feminism will not disapoint.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
So I never thought I would enter into the world of blogging: it seemed a completely diferent universe to me! But just recently I watched an awesome program called 'Cherry Healey: How to get a life' in which Cherry was exploring societies obsession with looks and vanity. On the latest episode this inspiring group of young women: 'Those Pesky Dames' were featured discussing their own feminist views and promoting their tumblr account in which they video themselves discussing feminist topics. You can find it here: So I thought to myself about how there is not enough material out there representing and presenting young feminists today...and here I am! At just 16 years old I already know the problems with our society regarding the way we represent women in the media and subsequently the tretment we recieve because of this. I am here to prove that feminists are fighting back! I am here to show that there are more of us than you may think! I am basically here for feminist rambling. Thanks for having me :)
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