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Friday, 20 July 2012

The sexuality scale

Me and my friends have this theory about sexuality. With the assumption that one falls in love with another because of personality, then nobody can be completely one sexual orientation. For example, if I met another girl that was perfect for me and we started going out, I wouldn't want to class myself as 'gay', just as much as I would no longer feel I should class myself as 'straight'. A lot of people have, before been in this situation. Sometimes the feeling of not understanding or being sure of the one thing that has always been a constant in someones life, can be terrifying. We concluded that it is completely normal to fall in love with someone of the same gender! In fact, we are proposing that it is inside everyone to feel like that. Imagine a scale, homosexual on one side and hetro-sexual on the other: in the middle would be the bisexual category. Imagine just less than a quater on each side and label them 'completely impossible'. If a relationship relies on personality compatibility; gender has no place in the choosing of a partner and so should not define or limit the partner. Yet not labeling everyone as 'bisexual' because the connotations are of a different meaning- attracted to both genders. Whereas I am proposing being attracted to the person, with no attention on the gender. In conclusion; I am proud to call myself  'not fully straight or gay' as I believe in no such thing!

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