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Friday, 6 July 2012

Reclaim the night

I just wanted to introduce you to this amazing march in London! Its called 'Reclaim the night' and is all about women taking back ownership of themselves and no longer hiding from men. They enforce the reasoning that women should not EVER be blamed for their own rape or objectification. They point out that it is categorically wrong that even today some people still use 'well she was wearing a short skirt' as excuses for some men's appalling behavior regarding sexual abuse and or rape cases. The march that is held in November every year presents women taking to the streets demanding to no be blamed for men's violence against women. The march allows women to go out in their town on one night a year without fear of male violence, it also highlights that this is needed as only about 5% of rapists are convicted. Its a great cause and an awesome march! Enjoy :)

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